Now that you have enjoyed stating your gratitude daily, you are doing mindful meditation, and uncreating and destroying thoughts, and behaviors that so not belong to you its time to move. Before You get into the movement journey, I want to let you know all the amazing benefits you will receive for moving:
There are endless benefits to a daily movement practice.
Walking in your neighborhood for just 10-15 minutes is a great start, and this won’t take to much time out of your already busy schedule, plus you won’t need to invest money into a gym, or fitness studio.
Grab your shoes and get outdoors, the sun is good for natural vitamin D. This is great to do with your kids before breakfast, and about 30 minutes after dinner daily. This is also a great time to connect with your loved ones if you choose to allow them to tag along with you, and if they are not willing to move with you, that’s ok, this allows you time to yourself, for yourself.
Do not worry as your family, and loved ones uncover your wellness lifestyle they will notice and possibly join you over time or incorporate these habits into their life as well. If you need more maybe starting a community walk club or joining a walk group in your area can be fun and a great way to socialize with your neighbors which I believe our communities need more of.
Founder & CEO of Medical & Sports Massage
Certified yoga instructor | Dynamic speaker
Denise Leslie is the founder and CEO of Medical Sports & Massage. In 2010 the vision to create a space for facilitating wellness through massage therapy was born. By 2012, that vision was brought to life as Denise found the strength within to open Medical & Sports Massage in the Atlanta community.
In addition to a thriving business, in 2018, Denise partnered with East Georgia Cancer Coalition to offer oncology massage, what has become known as Hands to Heal. Along with her team of therapists, this not-for-profit program uses lymphatic drainage to helpthe body withstand cancer treatment and massage therapy to alleviate the triangle of stress in the mind, body, and spirit. Together, these treatments facilitate underinsured, uninsured, or financially constrained patients and survivors in the fight for their lives.
Denise pours her heart and soul into clinical massage. and often write about sport related topics. Denise hosts several events throughout
the year to support other small businesses and maintains. Denise offer corporate wellness programs for companlies that seeking to improve productivity and overall wellness of their employees.